About ten years ago, a group of Kelowna gastroenterologists developed a standardized referral form.
New Co-Chair for SSC QI Working Group has passion and plans
Dr Eiko Waida, a Vernon-based pediatrician, is ready to help guide SSC’s Quality Improvement Working Group (QIWG) into the future as its new Co-chair.
Specialist Team Care improves patient access at Nanaimo Pediatrician Clinic
The SSC’s Specialist Team Care Collaborative (STCC) is changing how specialists deliver care in BC, and in turn, changing the lives of patients, families, and physicians for the better.
SSC's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion & Leadership Workshop
The Specialist Services Committee (SSC) hosted an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Workshop on June 10, 2023, bringing together 96 family physicians and specialists from across BC to gain ins
The Exchange
The Exchange is an online searchable database of quality improvement (QI) projects across British Columbia supported by the SSC and SCC. This tool was developed to facilitate sharing of QI ideas and project information.
Sauder Physician Leadership Program Celebrates 10 Years of Supporting Physician Leadership
The UBC-Sauder Physician Leadership Program (PLP) 10-year anniversary celebration held June 6th, 2023 honored a decade of commitment to cultivating community and leadership among physicians.
Teams are transforming specialist care in BC
SSC’s Specialist Team Care Collaborative (STCC) that started in January 2023 is already helping to significantly change the lives of patients, families, and physicians for the better.
Specialist Team Care: 100 Days To Real Results
Dr Julian Sernik, an orthopedic surgeon practising in Vernon, discovered that in just 100 days he could change his whole practice - and shift it away from long waitlists and personal burnout.
Prehabilitation and collaboration prepare patients for better surgical outcomes
Since 2019, physician-led teams at 27 BC hospitals have been working together through SSC’s Surgical Patient Optimization Collaborative (SPOC) to help patients better prepare for major elective surgery.
Dr John Hwang: Spreading Quality Improvement for Complex Wound Care
Dr John Hwang set out to spread his quality improvement work by establishing complex wound care clinics across the Fraser Health region through SSC’s Spreading Quality Improvement Initiative.
New app for doctors and other health professionals supports optimized pain and opioid management
Doctors and other health professionals now have free access to a new, online App to support pain management and opioid stewardship in their patients.
Dr Jason Kur, the new SSC Co-chair has plans
Dr Jason Kur has been working in Vancouver as a rheumatologist for over 17 years. As the newest SSC Co-chair, he looks forward to contributing to and continuing the Specialist Services Committee’s work.
Learn more about SSC
Learn more about the Specialist Services Committee and its programs and initiatives here.
Specialist Symposium 2023: Responding to today’s challenges in specialist care
Over 200 attendees from all regions of BC came together in Vancouver on April 27th, to the Specialist Symposium 2023: Responding to today’s challenges.
Leadership and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Workshop
Physicians are invited to the SSC's Leadership and EDI Workshop on Saturday, June 10th in Richmond, with Keynote Speaker Dr Sanjiv Chopra on "Leadership Styles in the 21st Century: Changing with needs of our profession and patients."
One-Stop Shop Baby Hippy Clinic Improves Outcomes for Infants with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip and Prevents Hip Surgeries Later in Life
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is the most common musculoskeletal disorder in infants, and affects 1 in 100 births.
Specialist Team Care Collaborative launches with positive results
In 2022, the Specialist Team Care Collaborative was launched to bring together specialists and health care providers to collaborate and innovate in team care.
Team care for women's health improves access, care and connections
Victoria obstetrician Dr William Kim MacDonald is leading the work to create a team-based home for women's health where patients get faster access to coordinated action, and feel connected and well-cared for by a team of providers through life-changing journeys.
SSC supports physicians to initiate and spread ideas for change and impact
Having access to SSC supports including funding, training, tools, and connections is making it possible for physicians from across BC to move ideas into action that improve their patients' care, experiences, and lives, and have a lasting impact on the health care system.
Development of HIV/STI guidelines on partner notification through Health System Redesign project improves patient experience journey
With STIs on the rise in BC and globally, Dr Wong’s HSR project aimed at reducing transmission by improving STI partner notification, which is an evidence-based intervention to prevent the spread of STIs.