Learn more about supporting community-based specialists:
Access supports
The SSC is engaging with community-based specialists without hospital or health authority privileges to understand your needs and better support you. A number of supports have been arranged to date.
Background: Supporting Community-based Specialists
- 2019: At the Specialists Symposium in 2019, SSC collected feedback on how it can better support all specialists in their work. Supporting community-based specialists without affiliation with hospitals and health authorities was identified as a need, resulting in SSC making it a key priority moving forward.
- 2020: Early in 2020, the Doctors of BC board with endorsement by the Representative Assembly, acknowledged the unique concerns of community-based specialists, and the need for SSC to increase support for this group.
- 2021: To better understand the unique needs of community-based specialists without hospital privileges, SSC heard from about 30 community-based specialists representing 12 specialties from across the province. As part of five focus groups, these community-based specialists reflected on potential gaps and opportunities within SSC’s mandate and scope of work, and identified concrete and actionable priorities for SSC in these theme areas:
- Theme 1: CBS carry a tremendous “burden of business” significantly contributing to fatigue and burnout
- Theme 2: CBS do not feel sufficiently connected to colleagues
- Theme 3: Developing capabilities and training
Read more in the focus group report.
Donna Murphy-Burke, Portfolio Liaison: dmurphyburke@doctorsofbc.ca
Fariyal Rehmat, Senior Project Coordinator: frehmat@doctorsofbc.ca