Strategic Priority
Mental Health and Substance UseLead
Dr. Marilyn Thorpe | PsychiatryHealth Authority
Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA)Aim: Psychiatrist-led Interdisciplinary Team (PIT) project provides a “Pit-Crew” service for University of Victoria students who are at high-risk of harm because of suicidality, self-harm, depression and/or anxiety, psychosis, borderline, substance use, aloneness or because they are unable to self-manage to use existing resources.
Easier access to mental health services for students
Storyboard: Enhancing a Mental Health Team at University of Victoria Health Services
In the News: UVic collaboration project eases treatment of mental illness
What’s New
Other Projects
Dr. Samuel Kohen
Dr. Chris Taylor
Dr. Steve Holland
Dr. Leah McDonald
Dr. Laura Chapman
Dr. Helen Campbell
Dr. Jonathan Down/ Dr. Gudrun Aubertin
Dr. Olinka Hrebicek
Dr. Sonja Mathes
Dr. Colin Landells
Dr. Marilyn Bater
Dr. Nathan Schneidereit
Dr. Helen Campbell