In the fall of 2011 the Specialist Services Committee initiated a survey of GPs and Specialists across the province.
The purpose of the survey was to obtain physicians’ perceptions of the SSC initiatives as well as on physician communication and collaboration. The survey was conducted on behalf of the SSC by the public opinion polling firm of Ipsos-Reid. The SSC is releasing the results of this survey.
Key Findings
Collaboration and Consultation Between Physicians:
- 86% of GPs say they have good collaboration and consultation with specialists, an increase from 80% in the 2010 baseline survey.
- 92% of specialists say they have good collaboration and consultation with GPs and specialist colleagues, a slight increase from 88% in the 2010 baseline survey.
SSC Physician to Physician Telephone Advice Fees - GP and Specialist agreement about the SSC telephone advice fees are as follows:
- 69% of GPs and 51% of specialists agree the fees help improve collaboration and consultation between physicians
- 66% of GPs and 47% of specialists agree the fees help enable primary care physicians to continue care/treatment and avoid unnecessary referrals
- 61% of GPs and 46% of specialists agree the fees help better enable identification of patients requiring urgent assessment/referral
- 56% of GPs and 43% of specialists agree the fees help enable patients to receive timelier access to care
- 58% of specialists agree the fees are applicable to their practice/role/situation (15% disagree)
SSC Initiatives
- Seven in ten (71%) of specialists say it is important in BC to have the types of support provided through the SSC initiatives
View the survey summary findings.
View the findings from the GP questions.
View the findings from the specialist questions.