Langley Memorial Hospital (LMH) is pioneering a transformative initiative to improve outcomes for colorectal surgery patients. This innovative program emphasizes accessible, practical support in exercise, nutrition, and smoking cessation, with the goal of reducing severe medical complications by 50% by March 2025.
Engaging for Indigenous Cultural Safety in the Emergency Department
A collaborative Facility Engagement initiative in Penticton is fostering positive change for improving culturally safe care in the emergency department, often first point of contact for Indigenous community members seeking medical care.
Dr Bella Wu: Reclaiming Time and Restoring Balance with the Power of AI
Dr Bella Wu, an Otolaryngologist from Richmond, BC, has always been an early adopter of technology, seeking innovative ways to enhance patient care. When the growing demands of medical documentation started overshadowing her passion for medicine, she saw an opportunity in AI.
Dr Elizabeth Thompson: Tackling Physician Burnout at the Systemic Level
Dr Elizabeth Thompson, a surgeon and member of the Specialist Services Committee (SSC) at Doctors of BC, knows firsthand the pressures of the medical profession. Long hours, demanding cases, and the emotional weight of patient care are all part of the job. But Dr Thompson believes that true physician well-being goes beyond individual coping mechanisms.
Dr Tommy Gerschman: Advocacy to Support Specialists in the Community
Doctors of BC and the Specialist Services Committee (SSC) work on behalf of specialist physicians to effectively lead and champion change that improves both provider and patient experience. The establishment and success of the Community-Based Specialists (CBS) Working Group, co-chaired by Dr Tommy Gerschman, is an example of this commitment.
Dr Claire Campion-Wright: Finding Balance and Joy Through Team-Based Care
Dr Claire Campion-Wright, an internal medicine specialist with a focus on obesity and a participant in Consultant Specialist Team Care (CSTC) – a key strategic priority of the Specialist Services Committee (SSC) – found running a medical practice in Surrey, BC, increasingly challenging due to one pervasive issue: misinformation.
Stop the Group and Screen: Reducing unnecessary blood tests before hip and knee surgery
A team of physicians at Burnaby Hospital has shown how collaborative partnerships can enhance care quality and reduce system costs by minimizing unnecessary patient blood tests.
Truth and Reconciliation
Monday, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which honours survivors of residential schools, the children who never returned home, and their families and communities. It is also a day to reflect on and support the commitment to Truth and Reconciliation.
Penicillin de-labelling project improves accuracy of antibiotic allergy diagnoses
Over the past four years, Drs Tiffany Wong and Rochelle Stimpson, along with a team of quality improvement experts, have been hard at work improving the accuracy of penicillin allergy diagnoses, reporting that the diagnosis is inaccurate for over 90% of patients, currently. Learn more about their passion for this project and why they believe this project will yield positive outcomes for public health.
Dr Dwight Ferris: Spearheading quality improvement in BC health care
From Thunder Bay to Kelowna, Dr Ferris's passion for quality improvement and inclusive care follows him wherever he goes. Learn more about his journey, values, experiences, and why he holds quality improvement near and dear to his heart.
Qualitycast North broadcasts hope and health care excellence throughout BC
The Qualitycast North podcast is spreading the word about Quality Improvement initiatives, health care leaders, and projects throughout Northern BC. Learn more about their journey, the podcast's format, and why they chose this medium to share QI in the region.
Facility Engagement Summit energizes partners to build on momentum
Last month, more than 250 health care partners gathered in Vancouver for the first-ever provincial Facility Engagement Summit, marking the 10th anniversary of the initiative and its transformational role in building collaborative physician and health authority partnerships.
Provincial Physician Quality Improvement Coaching program offers reciprocal rewards
Passionate about coaching, collaborating, and quality improvement, Dr Jane Lea is leading the latest SSC initiative, the Provincial PQI Coaching program. Learn more about her journey as a health care leader and visit the program's website. Applications for coaches are now open!
Physician payment rate increase for Joint Collaborative Committees
As of April 1, 2024, there will be a JCC rate increase of 3% for family physicians and specialist physicians who participate in quality and system improvement activities on behalf of the JCCs.
PCAN arthroplasty project breathes new life into pre- and post-operative care
The Perioperative Clinical Action Network (PCAN) Arthroplasty Project is a perfect example of the impact physicians can have on the health care system, and on patients’ experiences, when they lead
Innovations and inspirations at the PCAN Summit
The Specialist Services Committee (SSC) hosted the inaugural PCAN Summit on November 20, 2023, uniting 136 health professionals from across British Columbia to explore pre-operative care optimizati
Maternity service referral wait times drop from three months to three days
Dr Charlene Lui, a family physician at the Burnaby Maternity Clinic, led a project to reduce clinic referral wait-times from up to 90 days to just a few days through an SSC Physician Quality Improv
Leadership for women in medicine
On June 15 and 16, 2023, twenty-nine physicians attended a two-day course on leadership for women in medicine in Rossland, BC.
Spotlight on a Specialist: Dr Ahmer Karimuddin
While Dr Ahmer Karimuddin is a specialist in general and colorectal surgery, he’s also an outstanding leader. In January 2024, he’ll bring his many years of patient care and leadership experience
SSC Enhancing Access supports Okanagan physicians to improve GI services for patients
About ten years ago, a group of Kelowna gastroenterologists developed a standardized referral form.