The Specialist Services Committee (SSC) took part in the annual BC Patient Safety and Quality Council Forum February 27 and 28. The forum featured workshops and presentations on a variety of topics related to improving quality across the continuum of care. SSC conducted an interactive workshop, held a number of storyboard presentations, and also sponsored a number of specialists to attend the forum.
SSC Co-Chairs, Kelly McQuillen and Dr. Sean Virani facilitated the workshop. They provided an overview of SSC and information about the supports offered to specialists, such as funding and training opportunities, as well as development of fees and implementation of specialist-led projects. The interactive session left plenty of time for discussion and information-sharing with the attendees.
SSC’s storyboard presentations featured work being conducted under their Quality and Innovation Initiative, as well as an overview of SSC's work.
- Rebalance – a multidisciplinary clinic on South Vancouver Island treating any musculoskeletal issues with services that include surgery, physiotherapy, sports medicine, etc.
- Prostate Cancer Survivorship Program – a comprehensive program highlighting treatment options and managing side effects for newly-diagnosed patients and partners, which is offered through the Vancouver Prostate Centre.
- Chronic Care Youth Transitioning to Adult Care – a project that is developing processes and strategies to help youth, families and health care providers as youth with chronic care issues transition to adult care.
- BC Redesign of Hip Fracture Care – identifies and addresses the gaps and barriers to providing optimal hip fracture care.
- Enhanced Recovery After Surgery – implements a system of evidenced-based protocols that have shown to enhance recovery from colon cancer surgery. Program successfully implemented at the Kelowna General hospital and is now being expanded to all Interior Health hospitals
- Inherited Heart Arrhythmia Program – a provincial program run out of Vancouver and Victoria that proactively identifies familial inherited heart arrhythmia to treat, monitor and avoid sudden cardiac arrest. You can also view a video about the clinic.
- Overview SSC - a overview of what SSC does
The forum presented a great opportunity to learn new skills, discuss opportunities and challenges, and network with others interested in improving health care in British Columbia.