The SSC has dedicated up to $15 million to fund new specialist-led Quality and Innovation Initiatives for quality improvement and to address care gaps.
An Expression of Interest (EOI) submission is available to actively practicing in BC specialists to complete online until April 30. More information is available in the EOI information package and Frequently Asked Questions. Quality improvement and addressing care gaps around priority populations based on the Ministry of Health’s strategic plan are being championed by the Specialist Services Committee (SSC) with new funding of up to $15 million. An Expression of Interest (EOI) submission form is available to actively practicing in BC specialists to complete online until April 30.
For full information about the Expression of Interest process.
Specialists are being asked to share their ideas through an Expression of Interest during the month of April. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2014.
SSC’s mandate is to support specialists and improve the specialists care system in BC. In 2012, SSC made one-time funding available for a number of specialist-led Quality and Innovation initiatives. Several of these initiatives are now in the process of expanding beyond a prototype.
This time around, SSC is contributing more support in the development stage and is fostering relationships with key partners, such as Health Authorities to help bolster success. SSC wants to help great ideas gain traction and move beyond a prototype to something robust that will better serve our patients, their families and the health care system.
Information Session
SSC held one-hour information sessions on April 8 and 16 at Doctors of BC’s offices and specialists had the option to call in or attend in person.
If you have any questions or need more information about this funding opportunity, please email: Please put “Expression of Interest” in the email’s subject head.