As of June 1, 2012 the SSC has implemented two new fees that support specialists providing enhanced care planning for patients.
G78717 Specialist Discharge Care Plan for Complex Patients (extra $75.00) is intended to support clinical coordination of complex patients who require community support upon discharge and are otherwise at risk of readmission. The fee is applicable to the most responsible physician coordinating the hospital discharge for a complex patient with a stay greater than four days. The fee premium requires, among other services, a written discharge care plan for the patient and communication with the patient’s primary health care provider.
G78720 Specialist Advance Care Planning (extra $40.00) is intended to support discussions with patients regarding advance care planning, development of advance care plans, and coordination with a patient’s primary health care provider. The fee is applicable for advance care planning with patients with a chronic medical illness, complex co-morbidities, deteriorating quality of life, or end-stage disease state.
Click here and here for details on these fees, along with suggested care planning templates.