A group of BC specialists and health care executives recently traveled to Cleveland, Ohio to find out the secrets of success at one of the US’s top medical centres. Organized by the Practice Support Program in collaboration with the SSC, the goal was to study a quality driven organization that delivers world-class, patient first health care to see if any of their best practices could be transferred to BC.
While the not-for-profit Cleveland Clinic is known for many medical landmarks including the first coronary bypass, the physicians who traveled there discovered that the culture of the clinic and its approach to quality improvement are the keys to its success. While there are some fundamental differences between our system and the system physicians went to study, there are also a number of easily transferrable aspects. Everyone, from the extremely focused leadership of the clinic executives to the positive attitude of the staff, works together to ensure every patient has a positive experience. You can read all about the visit here in the January/February issue of the BC Medical Journal.